Tag Archives: data transfer
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Facebook, Google, Apple and other large companies host a significant amount of their data outside the United States. Should the Department of Justice’s warrants under the Stored Communications Act extend beyond domestic borders?
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Since the European Commission adopted the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield in 2016, replacing Safe Harbor, more than 2,000 companies have signed up for the new framework to avoid infringing on European privacy rights. Now
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A step-by-step visual guide to an important part of the legal process.
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In the June 2016 blog German Privacy Regulator Makes Its Mark with Fines, we covered the Hamburg Data Commissioner’s fining of companies for using the then-invalid Safe Harbor to transfer data from the
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In July 2016, the 2nd Court of Appeals in New York overturned a lower court’s ruling that Microsoft had to comply with a federal warrant as part of a narcotics case for an
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Japan has a great deal invested in the United Kingdom and the European Union, which is why it recently sent a strong message to both on behalf of its businesses located in the
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