
Tag Archives: e-discovery

The Stuff of E-Discovery Nightmares

E-Discovery technology is essential to counsel. But if counsel isn’t completely versed in using the software, particularly how to redact confidential information, it can prove disastrous. Just ask one lawyer representing Wells Fargo.

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Top 10 Legal Trends in 2017

New year, new and old legal trends! From e-discovery and project management to AFAs and alternative delivery service models, we’ve compiled the top 10 legal trends that departments and firms should watch for

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LLM unifies the legal process by combining legal holds, case strategy, matter and budget management, review and analytics in a single, web-based platform. We connect legal strategy to tactics in a way no one else can, so every part of the process is actionable. Our product scales to help corporate and law firm teams gain cost-savings and eliminate inefficiencies.