The Impact of Oracle v. Google
A court fight that has been waged since 2012 between two tech giants Oracle and Google has come to an end, with Oracle the winner. While damages have yet to be determined, in
[Read More]A court fight that has been waged since 2012 between two tech giants Oracle and Google has come to an end, with Oracle the winner. While damages have yet to be determined, in
[Read More]When you think of green and yellow farm equipment, do you think of a John Deere tractor in a half-acre field? Deere & Co. contended yes in its trademark lawsuit. The Quad-City Times
[Read More]A step-by-step visual guide to an important part of the legal process.
[Read More]This post’s headline, “The Year of the Monkey, “monkey business,” a “macaquery” of the courts — over the last few years, the monkey selfie case has elicited countless primate puns (we went bananas!)
[Read More]While there’s no such thing as a stupid question, there is, apparently, such a thing as a stupid patent: Louisiana Tech University’s patent for the “method and apparatus for automatic organization for computer
[Read More]The U.S. Supreme Court will begin its day today by hearing opening arguments in the “century’s single most heated dispute over competing technology”: the long-running patent battle of Apple v. Samsung. Samsung is
[Read More]It seems obvious that patents were intended to be public. Ostensibly, patents reward innovation by allowing for a temporary legal monopoly, and legitimate patent-holders who are using patents to produce exclusive goods would
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