Tag Archives: Supreme Court
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The U.S. Supreme Court recently refused to hear two appeals to Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption, which has been intact since the early 20th century. Why was it deemed exempt in the first
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While much is written about the Supreme Court’s decisions and their justices, there are also concerted efforts to record their incredibly interesting food traditions. In 2016, the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. hosted an
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A step-by-step visual guide to an important part of the legal process.
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Facebook, Google, Apple and other large companies host a significant amount of their data outside the United States. Should the Department of Justice’s warrants under the Stored Communications Act extend beyond domestic borders?
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Should attorney-client privilege apply to invoices for both ongoing and concluded matters? It’s possible that the Supreme Court of California’s decision could have far-reaching implications. The firm Holland & Knight recently issued a
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Following Donald J. Trump’s presidential election victory, the media is circling back and examining promises he made on the campaign trail. One in particular of potential consequence to the media itself is the
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When Justice Antonin Scalia passed away earlier this year, the decisions on pending cases entered the unknown. Scalia’s conservative perspective and vote were essential, for example, to corporate defendants in class-action lawsuits. Scalia
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Citation change is afoot (or a footer) within the Supreme Court. As noted by Fortune, SCOTUS’ first shortened link appeared on page 30 of a recent decision, courtesy of Justice Elena Kagan. Is
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Earlier this year, we blogged that patent suits were in full bloom in November 2015 in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. The rush occurred to beat the Dec.
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In the past few years, how many patent cases has your company faced? Across the United States, that number has both risen and fallen within this time frame. According to an informative article
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Someone once said, “Nothing is more discouraging than unappreciated sarcasm.” While Justice Antonin Scalia’s penchant for being sarcastic may be unappreciated, it certainly doesn’t go unnoticed. As reported both by The New York
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On March 20th, 2012, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Mayo Collaborative Services, DBA Mayo Medical Laboratories, et al. v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc., a case that has been avidly followed by
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