Sampling and E-Discovery

Sampling and E-Discovery

Lindsay Stevens’ recent presentation at the Virtual Corporate Counsel Forum mentioned the importance of sampling to validate the e-Discovery processes starting from collection and data targeting through the review stages. If you would like to know more about statistical sampling, particularly in reference to e-Discovery check out some of the guides provided by litigation organizations below:

Search Guide has a good page discussing the use of sampling , covering statistical details but also how it works in e-discovery data targeting specifically.   Many of the details can apply to sampling document review as well.

Appendix 2: Application of Sampling to E-Discovery Search Result Evaluation

Sedona Conference

The Sedona Principles contains information about sampling in the e-discovery process

The Sedona Principles : 2nd Edition

The following discusses different types of sampling and how they may be appropriately used for verifying the quality of e-discovery.

Commentary on Achieving Quality in the E-Discovery Process


Sampling in e-Discovery is an ongoing topic of discussion and implementation.  DESI IV (Discovery of Electronically Stored Information Workshop) in June 2011 sought to specifically address standards setting and benchmarking in e-discovery searches with several papers discussing the use of sampling in the litigation process.  You can find out more about the DESI IV workshop and review submitted papers at:

ICAIL 2011 DESI IV Workshop

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