On the eve of fashion month, the red-sole-showdown between Christian Louboutin and Yves Saint Laurent finally comes to an end. The Wall Street Journal reports that Louboutin can have trademark protection for his soles as long as the upper part of the shoe is not also red. The law suit started last year when French footwear designer Louboutin sued French fashion house Yves Saint Laurent for its monochrome Trib Too platform.
This is not the first time that trademark infringement has come up for Mr. Louboutin. One year ago he sued wallet-friendly fashion chain Zara for producing a heel with a red sole. A French court ruled in favor of the Spanish company, stating that the difference in quality between Louboutin and Zara footwear is so distinct that they could not be confused, bien sûr!
A true shoe connoisseur would most certainly spot the difference from a mile away, but those not accustomed to spotting that glimpse of red might be easily fooled. In fact, Irish teenager Tara Haughton hopes for just that – she started her own online shop that sells red stickers for the soles of your shoes. While it’s unlikely that the French designer will go to lengths to sue individuals painting their own shoes, the jury is out on what legal action will be taken against Miss Haughton and her company, Rosso Solini.